The most memorable thing in my life. Mr Harada who is the founder of Harada dental clinic of Chiba city, implantologist,periodontologist, orthodntist, excellent dentist talks passionately about his most unforgettable thing.

 Harada who is the founder of Harada dental clinic of Chiba city, implantologist,periodontologist, orthodntist, excellent dentist

When I was younger, I was on a tennis team in my dental colledge.

One summer, we were on a tournament of all the dental college in Japan.

We were 
in a match with other college.

We had 5 games therefore if we won 3 games we could go to the next match.

After finishing 4 games we had won 2 games and lost 2 games.

I was the last person who was on the match.

Altough it was a tough game , I won the game, as a result we could go to the 
next match.
All the team member celebrated me. 
That was one of the most memorable things in my life. 
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